
Management of water resources

We have extensive long-standing experience in practical implementation of the following EU directives on the management of water resources:

  • Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC
  • Marine Strategy Framework Directive 2008/56/EC
  • Directive 2007/60/EC on the assessment and management of flood risks
  • Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste-water treatment
  • Drinking Water Directive 98/83/EC
  • Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC
  • Bathing Water Directive 2006/7/EC

We study and analyse impacts of anthropogenic activity on the status of water resources, assess trends of changes in water quality status as well as cause-and-effect relationships, and forecast changes. Our know-how and expertise in the fields of natural processes, water treatment, agri-environmental and socio-economic analysis provides a solid basis for the selection of efficient measures for managing the status of water resources.

In cooperation with other consultants, we have prepared feasibility studies for water supply and wastewater management for a number of Lithuanian and Turkish cities as well as programmes on the alignment of national requirements with the EU acquis in the water sector for Lithuania and other countries. We also carry out cost-benefit analyses, provide training in and organise seminars on water pricing, ecosystem services and funding of measures for improving the status of water resources. Our experts were actively involved in the drafting and updating of Lithuanian river basin management plans and programmes of measures as well as the programme of measures for implementing the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, and in the preparation of flood hazard and risk maps and management plans.

Climate change

Since 2007, we have been taking an active part in addressing issues of climate change. AAPC experts are members of the commission which prepares annual Lithuania’s National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Reports in accordance with the requirements of Decision No 280/2004/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning a mechanism for monitoring Community greenhouse gas emissions and for implementing the Kyoto Protocol.

We have considerable experience in the assessment of greenhouse gas emissions in the following sectors:

  • Energy (UN Framework Convention on Climate Change CRF (Common Reporting Format) sector 1)
  • Industrial processes, including inventory of fluorinated greenhouse gases (CRF sector 2)
  • Use of solvents and other products (CRF sector 3)
  • Agriculture (CRF sector 4)
  • Waste (CRF sector 6)
Waste management

Waste management is one of the most complex areas of environmental protection in Lithuania. We have implemented a number of projects related to the preparation of municipal and hazardous waste management plans and programmes at the national and municipal levels and institutional cooperation in this field.

In cooperation with other consultants, we have prepared feasibility studies for regional landfills, provided training to responsible employees of relevant companies on hazardous waste management, conducted cost-benefit analysis of the hazardous waste system, as well as provided technical assistance and carried out capacity-building activities in the waste management area in Romania, Cyprus, Turkey and other countries. We are also responsible for the annual preparation of the chapter on waste of Lithuania’s National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report.

Management of chemicals

Together with colleagues from other Baltic countries, we have been implementing a project related to the substitution of hazardous chemicals by more environmentally-friendly alternatives. We carry out socio-economic analysis of the substitution of chemicals and impact assessment and provide recommendations for improving the chemicals management policy.

Our experts draft environmental reports on chemicals intended for appropriate authorities helping companies to comply with legal requirements for the management of chemical substances and mixtures. Also, we provide consultations and assistance to companies on the implementation of the new chemicals policy (Commission Regulation (EC) 1907/2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)).