Our clients are Lithuanian and foreign government organizations and private companies. Some of them:
- Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania
- Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania
- Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania
- Environmental Protection Agency (Lithuania)
- Kaunas city municipality
- Vilnius Waters UAB
- Optiroc UAB (Lithuania)
- European Commission
- Danish Environmental Protection Agency
- US Environmental Protection Agency
- Slovak Ministry of Environment
- Finnish Ministry of the Environment
- Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
- Turkish Ministry of Environment and Forestry
- World Bank
Partners with whom we work, implementing various projects:
- AEA Technology Environment, England
- AF - International AB, Sweden
- Apini - Institute of Environmental Engineering, Lithuania
- BEF - Baltic Environmental Protection Forum, Lithuania
- COWI, Consulting Engineers and Planners A/S, Denmark
- COWI Anadolu Ltd., Turkey
- Carl Bro A/S, Denmark
- Danagro Adviser A/S, Denmark
- DHI Water & Environment, Denmark
- Ecolas NV, Belgium
- ELLE Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian Environment, Latvia
- Enviro-Markets International, England
- Environmental Resources Management, England
- European Social, Legal and Economic Projects (ESTEP), Lithuania
- VšĮ "Natural Heritage Fund", Lithuania
- Harvard Institute for International Development, USA
- HFT Network Oy, Finland
- Hnit-Baltic UAB, Lithuania
- International Resources Group Ltd., USA
- Institute for Applied Environmental Economics (TME), The Netherlands
- IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Sweden
- Milieu Ltd., Belgium
- MEDConsult, Turkey
- NIRAS Consulting Engineers and Planners A/S, Denmark
- NIRAS Polska Sp. z o.o., Poland
- Okopol GmbH, Germany
- Ornis Consult Ltd., Denmark
- Orsanco, USA
- Peipsi CTC, Estonia
- Project Management Ltd., Ireland
- Ramboll A/S, Denmark
- Regional Center for Environmental Protection, Hungary
- Scanagri A/S, Denmark
- Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
- Soil and Water Ltd., Finland
- Finnish Environment Institute
- Techniplan SpA, Italy
- Financial Investment Data Analysis and Consulting UAB (FIDA), Lithuania
- UBM, Turkey
- VšĮ Vandens namai, Lithuania
- Water Resource Center (WRc), United Kingdom
- WS Atkins, United Kingdom